Today Is World Mental Health Day!
This year’s World Mental Health Day focuses on “young people and mental health in a changing world.” Today signifies global mental health awareness and the importance of recognizing mental wellness. This year, the focus is on understanding the significance of mental health in youth and helping break the stigma surrounding mental health conditions, especially in the world we live in today.
According to the World Health Organization, “half of all mental illness begins by the age of 14, but most cases go undetected and untreated.” That’s a staggering statistic, which is why it’s essential for us to create solutions for our young generation.
At Amare, we stand with the mental wellness community in recognition of World Mental Health Day 2018 and look forward to the future of mental wellness. Support World Mental Health Day and Amare by sharing the image below on social media today! The more we share, the more we’ll get the word out about the importance of mental health, especially in youth.

Our new Amare Kids products, Kids VitaGBX and Kids FundaMentals, bring us one step closer to helping create a healthier, happier future for our youth.

And remember, mental health is essential for everyone — young and old! Looking for some advice on eating well, sleeping better and mental health overall? Check out our Toolkit here for some great pro tips!

The Amare Home Office stands with the mental wellness community in recognition of today, World Mental Health Day 2018. Thank you to everyone who has helped lead the mental wellness revolution — here’s to the future!